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Absence Procedures

Registration Procedures

The register will be marked twice each day, at morning and afternoon registration time.


Morning registration:

Pupils are expected to be in class at 8.40am in the morning.  A late mark (L) will be given up to 9.00am and after 9.00am an unauthorised late mark (U) will be issued. 


Messages can be left on the school answer phone system if a child is unable to attend school - the message should clearly state the reason for absence, eg, illness due to high temperature. 


Children arriving late will enter school through the main entrance and the office staff will record the time of arrival.


Afternoon registration:

Pupils are expected to be in class at 1.00pm.  A full attendance mark (\) will be issued.


Absence from school

First day calls will be made at the earliest opportunity and by 9.15am at the latest.


An Authorised Absence is:

  • Illness
  • Illness with risk to others.  NHS Guidance on Infection Control, a copy of which is kept in the School Office, must be strictly adhered to at all times.
  • A death in the immediate family.
  • A religious holiday (explained in writing in advance).
  • Medical and dental appointments which cannot be made out of school time.
  • An exceptional circumstance, agreed by the Head teacher.


An Unauthorised Absence is:

  • Leave of absence taken during term time without the agreement of the Head Teacher. The Head Teacher will only authorise leave of absence under exceptional circumstances.
  • When there is no suitable or acceptable explanation for the child's absence.   Where there are patterns of absence, the school may request medical evidence, which may involve liaison with the school nurse.


Explaining absence from school

The person having parental responsibility must contact school to explain the absence.  All medical appointments must be similarly explained.  All absences will be recorded in the register as appropriate.


Any unauthorised absence of longer than three days, within any six-week period, will lead to a fixed penalty notice being issued in line with Local Authority guidance.


In addition, if a child’s attendance in general falls below 90% without reasonable explanation, the Family Support Teacher will investigate the matter further and will follow the Local Authority guidelines regarding attendance.


Any case of truancy will be dealt with in line with Local Authority guidelines.


Illness, Medical and Dental Appointments

Every effort should be made by parents to arrange medical and dental appointments out of school time.  However, genuine illness and medical appointments will be treated as authorised absence.  If the school is dissatisfied the absence will remain unauthorised.  Where an appointment requires absence from school after registration, the child must be signed both in and out in the record book kept in the school office.



Lateness to school is unacceptable; punctuality is essential to ensure the child is able to learn effectively and reach their full potential.

The school response to lateness will have regard for any particular difficulties that the family may have and will take into consideration valid reasons given.


Special Occasion/Bereavements

Absence through bereavement may be authorised by the Head Teacher.

Absence for a special occasion will generally be unauthorised, unless deemed as an ‘exceptional’ circumstance’ by the Head Teacher.


Long Term Illness and Home Tuition

Any long-term absence caused through illness or inability to attend school, will be referred to the Local Authority in order that appropriate action can be taken.



All concerns about suspected unauthorised absence or a pattern of absence or persistent lateness should be brought to the attention of the Head Teacher or Family Support Teacher, who will agree the appropriate course of action to be taken.  The situation will be monitored and the matter will be discussed with the family concerned and the Local Authority may be informed.


Monitoring Process

The Family Support Teacher will monitor attendance and lateness each half term.  A record of pupils causing concern and actions taken will be kept on file.  A report about attendance forms part of the Head Teacher’s report to the Governing Body. Governor monitoring visits also include a check of attendance records.


The Head Teacher will also carry out spot checks of attendance on the school electronic recording system.  The school office must inform the Head Teacher if there are any problems or issues with daily registration from classes.


The school Clerical Assistant maintains the day to day electronic record of all pupils' attendance on Scholarpack.


Role of the Family Support Teacher:

  • To support and encourage children and their families with regard to attendance and punctuality.
  • To champion attendance and constantly promote its importance to staff.
  • To monitor attendance/lateness each half term.
  • To liaise with staff and external agencies.
  • To make referrals to the Local Authority.
  • To make families more aware of their responsibilities.
  • To co-ordinate the annual distribution of 100% Attendance Certificates at the end of the school year.


Role of children and their families:

  • To make sure that the child attends school regularly and on time and keeps the school rules.
  • To make sure that the child understands the importance of attending school and that the family do not approve of missing school.
  • To let the school know on the first day of absence if the child is ill and then every subsequent day if the illness continues.
  • To send a written reason for absence wherever possible.  This may be by email.
  • To inform the school well in advance of any known future absences.
  • To try to arrange all dental and medical appointments out of school hours.
  • To work with the school, if absence or lateness becomes a problem, to put this right.
  • To co-operate with the Local authority if they become involved, in the best interests of the child, ensuring uninterrupted education.
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