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Primary School

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The Governing Body asks parents to ensure that the correct school uniform is worn. This is an important aspect of belonging to our school family and we know that a smart appearance encourages a smart attitude to school life. Thank you for your support with this.  


Our school uniform consists of:



Red sweatshirt/red cardigan with school logo
White polo shirt, with or without school logo
Charcoal grey skirt or trousers (no leggings or culottes)
Black shoes (not trainers)
White or grey socks or tights
Red gingham dress (we recommend that this is just during the summer months)



Red sweatshirt with school logo
White polo shirt, with or without school logo
Charcoal grey trousers or tailored charcoal grey shorts
Black shoes (not trainers)
Black or grey socks


All items with school logo may be purchased from the school office.


None of our school uniform is designated as 'summer only' or 'winter only'.


Physical Education:


Black shorts or black jogging bottoms
White T-shirt – no branded logos.

Plimsolls for indoor activities and trainers for outdoors.


PE Kit should be kept in a draw-string bag.  A bag with the school logo is available from the office.  Kit should be brought to school on Mondays and taken home for washing on Fridays.


Please name every item of clothing that comes to school, in case it is misplaced.


Please note:    For health and safety reasons only a pair of small stud earrings may be worn by pupils with pierced ears but no other jewellery is acceptable.  We encourage children to wear watches, but these remain the child’s responsibility.


It is a sensible precaution for children who have long hair to have it tied back whilst they are at school.


We do welcome previously worn or outgrown uniform donations so that we can offer this out to parents/carers.  We do have a small stock of previously worn uniform and would like to start up a 'swap shop' whereby parents/carers can bring in clean, good quality, previously worn uniform to swap for an alternative size.


The Governors thank you for supporting this policy.

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